About The Owner

While I have always been somewhat aware of my unique abilities and alternative perspective of reality, I began my journey towards wellness after “A Full Surrender” during a Dark Night of the Soul in early 2008. At that point, taking steps to improve my state of being was no longer an option but was required. Since then, I have uprooted all my past ways of being and through trial and error, much dedication, moving beyond resistance and with courage, I have grounded into new life skills and a personal identity that better supports my health, happiness and overall wellness of my Whole Self. By facing and engaging my ‘seemingly intrinsic’ contradictions, unconsciousness, distorted beliefs about myself and the world, projections and deepest fears as they became highlighted by the reflection of the physical world, I was able to create space to discover and embrace my unique authentic expression, cultivating a greater sense of inner harmony, resilience, joy and flow in my life, which in turn, radically shifted my life trajectory. This, my work, is not only my purpose but my passion.

Outside of work, I enjoy meditation, yoga, the night sky, healthy food, philosophy, the sunshine, the beach, the outdoors, and have a thirst for information, learning, self realization and understanding the nature of reality. I also enjoy spending time with my 2 amazing daughters.

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