Sacred Tao: High Priestess of Loveland

Specializing in Alignment, Integration and Balancing of the Physical/Etheric, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual and Energy Bodies. I offer a deep introspective dive into how all levels of the individual, beyond what we are consciously aware of, create our overall state of being. When one seeks changes in life, all levels of self shift into unified congruency. I offer powerful tools that will help uncover what is hidden from awareness, moving out of shadow and into essence, further discovering the resources and insights essential to support your unique “Present Time Self”.

My work stems from the perspective that Humans are in Co-Creative Collaboration with all of Life from the gut biome to the Plant and Animal Kingdom, to the Earth, Planetary and Stellar Bodies and other Humans (living and deceased). All Life is interdependent with all other Consciousnesses. Further, that our Life experiences and our personality itself are interwoven within Gestalt Consciousnesses as well as Psycho-Spiritual and Archetypal Patterning.

  1. Ordained High Priestess: I offer Spiritual Counseling and other services to support your most authentic personal expression and interconnectedness with all life, other beings and your sacred journey in body. As Representatives of Change, we each have the opportunity to heal the Collective Spiritual Wounds imposed through the distortions of the Piscean Age by attending to the Wounds of Our Own Hearts and Bodies. By engaging Life intentionally and as a “Living Ceremony” with deeper spiritual connection, meaning and purpose, beyond the dictates of personality and Ego, and by cultivating Non-Hierarchical Life Foundations, true Non-Judgement and Compassion for self and others, the essence of LOVE can be fully embodied and experienced. Studies through the Nicole Christine Lineage and also influenced by the diverse contributions of the Priest/Priestess Lineages throughout time. Ordainment thru Venus Rising.
  2. Psychic: Seeing what energies are “In The Field” and find practical ways to release unconscious beliefs, thoughtforms and other peoples energy, as well as assist with the integration of unassimilated experiences and New Life Skills so the client can be more authentic, resourceful and purposeful in their actions, words and engagement with Life to support their well being and Consciously Create their Reality. Stepping into the Art of Self Reflection and Imagination is at the heart of my practice. My goal is to assist the client to gain a broader perspectives on how practical lifestyle choices as well as limiting personal and cultural beliefs, judgements and other practices either support or inhibit Inner Harmony which is in turn reflected back thru the camouflage of the Outer World. Although mostly unaware of it, we Co-Create our Reality inwardly first. Through Conscious Collaborative Visioning of our New World and with the awareness of your authentic individuated Self, WE can shift into the Aquarian Age in a more integrated, balanced, intentional and expansive way. Based on the work of John Friedlander and Gloria Hemsher: coauthors of Basic Psychic Development and Psychic Psychology. Also influenced by the work of Jane Roberts/Seth, the Theosophists, and the Self Realization Fellowship.
  3. Turning of the Ages Astrologer: (Formerly Shamanic Astrology Mystery Schools). The wisdom of the Planets and other Cosmic and Stellar alignments inform the client of their Soul’s Intended Path. I use the natal and progressed chart as a MAP for self understanding so the client can feel more at home in their bodies and lives, remove obstacles, find their archetypal essence and step into their dharma by both Consciously Aligning Personality with Potentiality as well as moving into flow with the Astrological Energies as Collaborative Forces. Astrology is also a great tool for problem resolution of ongoing and current challenges, great for understanding relationship dynamics (both in and out of current time), releasing resistances, locating blindspots and consciously participating in your own self discovery. Work based on the paradigm visioned by Daniel Giamario, founder of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School. Also influenced by the work of Dane Rudhyar, Carl Jung and several other Collaborative Groups throughout the Ages.
  4. Bodywork: I work to release the bodies holding patterns that create pain and physical distress. My technique is focused, unique and uses a variety of modalities including Deep Tissue, Trigger Point Therapy, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Myofacial Release, Myoskeletal Alignment and layers in Psychic Clearing of the Etheric and Astral Bodies. The technique creates profound shifts for individuals in chronic or acute pain, those having specific symptoms and those who would like to have more energy and vitality in daily living. Deep gratitude for all my Teachers, various Masters and other Healers whom I have learned from over the years. (I am currently not offering this service).
  5. Researcher: I am currently researching the astrological implications of the Galactic Alignment for the shift into the New Age and what the Precession of Equinoxes can tell us about the Movement of Civilization from one Age to the next, how (hu)man becomes Myth and the Probable Futures of Humanity.

The above templates combine to serve each individual exactly where they are when “Ready to Look”. My mission is to Create a Safe Space for Self Reflection, Soul Retrieval, Shadow Work, Creativity, Deep Integration and Profound Transformation into Inner Harmony and Wholeness of the Psyche. Together we can comprehensively bring forth and access New Frameworks of embodiment and engagement with Life as it is. Life skills evaluation include and are not limited to:

  • Shadow Work
  • Removing Obstacles in Creating the Reality you Desire
  • Expanding Consciousness
  • Assessing and Reevaluation of Personal and Collective Belief Systems
  • Discovering your Soul’s Intended Purpose
  • The Empowerment of Choices as Creative Forces
  • Inner Sacred Marriage
  • Creating Intentions and Processes of Manifestation
  • Skillfully Resourcing the Wisdom of Planetary, Stellar, Earth and Other Etheric Energies as Creative Collaborators.
  • Conscious Death, Rebirth and Transformation Counseling
  • Creating Space
  • Living in Ceremonial Engagement with the World/Life
  • Creating your Life on the Foundations of Equality without Distortion
  • Cultivating Non-Judgement
  • Reclaiming Projections
  • Discovering Probable Futures that Feel Resonant
  • Awaken the Power and Purpose of Imagination
  • Ancestral/Lineage Work
  • Visioning Creative Solutions
  • Moving out of Victimization and into Responsibility
  • Using Emotions (and LOVE) as a Compass
  • Working with Personal Intuition and Spirit Guides
  • Claiming Self Empowerment
  • Upgrading Communication Skills
  • Setting Clear Boundaries
  • Finding Neutrality
  • Shifting Negative Self Talk
  • The Therapeutics of Grief
  • Alternative Perspectives on Addiction
  • Alternative Perspectives of Healing Medical Issues and Chronic Pain
  • Releasing the Drama Triangle and other Codependent Behaviors
  • Grounding into Earth and Self
  • Upgrading Interpersonal Relationship Skills and Couples Work
  • Feeling at Home in the World: Root Chakra Affirmations


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